creative process

“You know that I’ve seen
Too many romantic dreams
Up in lights falling off the silver screen
My heart’s like an open book
For the whole world to read
Sometime nothing keeps me together at the seams…”

— Mötley Crüe

vvvvv … click picture for pdf file of jumble – Rod,Vegas, Blunder … vvvvv


Dear World,
I had the idea to write an autobiography many years ago, but it really started rolling when I was living in Seattle during the Covid year. Not much got done, actually, and it took a few years to release…

jumble – Rod, Vegas, Blunder

…to a few people. It explained my life, and there was an emphasis on how I needed to leave my dad and that side of the family. As far as I was concerned, my mom’s side of the family was still functional, loving, and worthwhile. I planned to give them my autobiography as a Christmas gift a year ago. Over the years, there have been many family photos. I was going to customize each book. It all would have the same text, but the covers would be catered to each individual person.

The shit hit the fan where I was living. When did it hit the fan? No joke, on the day after my final draft was complete. This was around Labor Day. I had a lot more to write, but Labor Day was my self-imposed cut off time. I was happy with what I had. Since things blew up pretty bad, I moved out. I had been living in the High Desert, and I started living in hotels near where I worked in Chino. Of course, this was too expensive, so I had to live in my car a few days a week to get by. Eventually, I found an affordable AirBnb and I lived that way for a few months.

I love my family. I really do, but things broke down on my mom’s side as well. It wasn’t with everyone, but I believed it was better to step away for a while. My autobiography was a jumble of three parts. A year ago, I decided to add a fourth part, but even that didn’t pan out. My life has not stabilized enough to focus on this project until recently. It’s not to say I didn’t try.

During the course of this past year, I developed a couple of hobbies. One, I enjoyed making funny pictures using an AI app. Two, I learned to launch and develop websites. This is one of them. My flagship and original one is . A couple of days ago, I finally learned how to share PDFs. Now, my autobiography is available for free: (257 pages)

A year ago, I was living in an AirBnb and I wrote. I meant to add a fourth chapter called Rod II. Now that I’ve posted the autobio to , My plans have changed. I will write an all new autobiography. The first one dealt with me leaving my dad’s family. This new one will discuss drifting away from my mom’s side. In the first one, I knew that if I got to Seattle, one of my goals in life would be complete. In this new one, it’s about getting on my feet. Literally, getting on my feet… and I’ll explain more as time passes.

I’m going to share my creative process with you. I’m not sure what’s going to make it into Rod II, but I have a ton of notes. I will discuss dignity, and how good relationships can turn bad. I’m going to talk about how you can still love a person, but believe it’s best to stay away from each other. A year ago, I completed a couple of journal entries. I will share them here. I don’t know if they’ll end up in my next book, but I’m mulling over a lot. I will share the link to this page with a few people, and…

… yes, and…

… this has been important to me since Thanksgiving: I’ve discovered a new social media app. Blue Sky has been great for many people who no longer had joy at Twitter. I’ve had a handful of conversations with people through direct message. I like the people there. So, I will share this site with a few people already close to me, but I will share with Blue Sky as well.

My first autobiography felt jumbled, and the beginning of this one does as well. I think these pages can help out, though. I disguised the names of friends and family in my first one, and I’ll do this same in the one coming up.

You guys rock! Most of you guys really, really rock! I care about a lot of you. In the words of the Supremes, “Someday, we’ll be together.”

— Homer Cocktail

(oh, I revived the “Homer Cocktail” name when I joined Blue Sky)